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What's The Deal?

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This is a screen grabThe Deal opens up episode 16 "It's About Time" with a bang. With Drew Kimball directing and shooting the sketch, the cast was able to put their full energy into their performances. Click "continue reading" for behind the scenes photos and insider information!

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This sketch was really Trevor's idea, but I'll go ahead and kick things off: Are these the good guys or the bad guys?

In our school's production department (and I'm sure every undergrad film program in the country) just about every film made was a stereotypical movie about guns and drugs like Snatch. So Trevor thought it would be funny to parody what people think is cool in these movies - crazy accents, stupid lingo, unnecessarily pompous camera angles, etc.

As we wrote the rest of "It's About Time", the Deal became less and less intrical to the plot, Diane forgot to dress up, but we had to use her anyway.and we almost scrapped the sketch all together. Some of us realized, however, that it would be fun to do a free standing sketch that didn't depend on Brian and his time machine. Not to mention, Drew had been looking forward to shooting and editing the Deal as soon as he read the script.

So we set aside one day and sneaked our way back into the UGA art building (which was also the set for Book Club), and the rest is history.

But you can always revisit history by watching the video. Also, be sure to check out extra downloads here.


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