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April 2, 2005

What is the New York Times?

It's a famous newspaper. And last week, they printed an article about the Channel101/102 phenomenon. Near the bottom comes this:

The New York City-based Channel 102 does not have quite the following of its Los Angeles counterpart yet, but at its second gathering, held earlier this month on the Lower East Side, a group of about 100 revelers crowded into the back of the Parkside Lounge, voting on shows like "Jesus Christ Supercop," "Locked in a Closet" and "Lightning Brains."

So, from now on, it's "The Silly Spider Monkey Fiasco, As Mentioned In The New York Times."

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Posted on April 2, 2005 6:39 PM


Heh Heh...good prank.... But seriously I was scared that the site had gone down for good! I watched LB2 at a friends house I come home the next day to download LB2 on my compy and THE SPIDER MONKEYS ARE GONE! So I did some remebering and went to ch102's site and got LB2! GLAD THE SITE IS BACK!!

Posted by: Michael B. at April 4, 2005 7:23 PM

Michael, I'm glad you're back, too.

Posted by: the site at April 5, 2005 10:21 AM

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This is New York!
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5min | details

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Lightning Brains: Episode 2
5min | details

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Lightning Brains: Episode 1
5min | details

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Going Up
5min | details

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Celebrity Sighting
2min | details

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Chaos Theory
4min | details

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When the Levee Breaks
44sec | details

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Gay with a Dinosaur
5min | details

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Blooper Reel
2min | details

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The Deal
5min | details

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Stove Cooked Stuffing
2min | details

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Quicktime Lo (4mb)


Ten Commandments: Caught on Tape
2min | details

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