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April 27, 2005
Erin is cute.
I just got back from my live phone interview with ManiaTV.com. ManiaTV is a cool, unique thing where they broadcast a 24-hour, live, internet television channel with very attractive CJs (that's cyber-jockeys). (They also use the same font for their logo that we use on our site - explain that one, ManiaTV!) I was chosen as a featured filmmaker for "Sweepstakes II," a sketch from "Old School Revenge." "Sweepstakes" will be airing each night this week during the "Too Short for Hollywood" show, and you can also request it (and the Playground sketch) to be played again. Let 'em know you want to see more Spider Monkey.
During the interview, Erin asked me about my inspiration for making "Sweepstakes" and what new projects I am working on. After it was all over she stood in front of a wall of a thousand TVs for about an hour.
Posted on April 27, 2005 10:26 PM
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