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Back from the Dead.

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April Fool's Day is over and if you visited the web site any time in the past four weeks, you were part of the most elaborate prank in Internet history. You may have thought that the site was down for almost a month, but it was just a joke! I know, it's pretty clever, but we couldn't have done it alone. We really need to give a big shout out to our web hosting friends at Powweb for taking the first step by shutting us down and refusing to reinstate us despite our reasoned pleas. Thanks, guys!


PS: To celebrate the end of our month-long gag, we've added a new menu selection for "shorts" on the bar to the right. Now you can quickly access all the recent short videos from our site without having to search the archives.

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Return of the Fiasco from Mack Williams Dot Com on April 4, 2005 1:11 PM

So the Silly Spider Monkey Fiasco website is back online. No thanks to Powweb. The site is now hosted at Dreamhost. I use Powweb to host this site, but considering how they treated us over this hacker issue, I may... Read More

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wassssssssssssss up

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These videos are licensed under a
Creative Commons LicenseCreative Commons License.

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