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January 29, 2005
Screening in NYC
This just in! The new Spider Monkey short "Lightning Brains" has been selected to be part of the debut Channel 102 screening in New York City, Thursday, February 3.
Channel 102 is a spin-off of the LA-based Channel 101 screenings, wherein people submit five-minute fake TV pilots, and the audience votes for their favorites. The top five vote-getters then get asked to make a second episode for the next month's screening. They then compete with the other returning shows and the new batch of pilots. It continues in such fashion until the show is "cancelled" by the audience.
If you live in New York, go to the screening, scream loudly, and vote for "Lightning Brains." It's free, February 3, 2005, at 7pm at the Parkside Lounge, 317 E. Houston Street.
Posted on January 29, 2005 7:08 PM
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