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January 24, 2005
Extra! Extra! Monkey Fiasco Makes Cover Of Comedy Magazine!
Well, we didn't exactly make the cover, but this quarter's issue of Modest Proposal Magazine features a two page interview with Trevor, Ed and myself.
It's one of the first interviews we've had where no one was misquoted, and it also features a great photo of the cast with a superimposed version of cartoon Ed (about a year ago, Ed was severely disfigured in a boating accident and refused to sit for any pictures).
I'm sure most of you who clicked on the link to access more information were looking for the remaining pictures of Ed's disfigured face (the ones that survived the fire), but you have to remember that the title of this post is in reference to some comedy magazine we were in...wait, let me scroll up...Oh yeah, Modest Proposal Magazine.
It's a very good interview that answers important questions such as, "What will happen after our so-called revolution," and "what's the difference between a short film and a sketch?"
The rest of the magazine is very cool and it's only $3. To order a copy, click here.
Posted on January 24, 2005 11:27 PM
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